Perl find or replace string expression in text files matching wildcard in subdirectory tree

It was a surprise to search the Internet and not find something like this. At one extreme, the common advice was to use the Unix find command with the -exec option, or alternatively, pipe the find output to the xargs command. Or, using Perl, the well-known perl -pi.bak -e ... command line construct was frequently described. At the other extreme, commercial products promised all kinds of capabilities, for Windows and Unix both.

What I wanted was in between...Perl code that had enough intelligence to only operate on text files, to back up just those files that were changed, to default to a preview mode, and so on. So, here it is.

subdir_subst -- find and optionally replace strings in files matching
               wildcard in subdirectory tree
   /usr/local/bin/ [-h]
   /usr/local/bin/ [-x] [-d directory] [-w wildcard] [-v] oldstring newstring
   -h = help
   -v = verbose
   -d = base directory of subtree (default = current)
   -w = regular expression to select filenames
   -s = include RCS/CVS directories (source code control)
   -x = execute mode

By default this script only prints what would be done but does not do it,
use the -x option to actually make the changes and backup original files

Here is the script:

#!/usr/local/bin/perl # find or replace string expression in text files matching wildcard in sub-directory tree # $Id:,v 1.1 2005/04/21 16:29:05 mbole Exp $ use File::Find; use Getopt::Std; use Cwd; use FileHandle; #use diagnostics; use warnings; use strict; my( $BASEDIR, $NEWSTRING, $OLDSTRING, $SUBST_EXPR, $SUFFIX, $WILDCARD, ); our($opt_h, $opt_d, $opt_w, $opt_x, $opt_v, $opt_s); getopts('hd:w:xvs'); # for tracking each time we change directories my($PrevDir) = ''; &Init; find(\&wanted, $BASEDIR); exit; #====begin subroutines========== sub Syntax { return <<"EndOfSyntax"; subdir_subst -- find and optionally replace strings in files matching wildcard in subdirectory tree Syntax: $0 [-h] $0 [-x] [-d directory] [-w wildcard] [-v] oldstring newstring where -h = help -v = verbose -d = base directory of subtree (default = current) -w = regular expression to select filenames -s = include RCS/CVS directories (source code control) -x = execute mode By default this script only prints what would be done but does not do it, use the -x option to actually make the changes and backup original files EndOfSyntax } sub wanted { my($old, # original line in file $new, # changed line in file $condition, # 's///' expression to evaluate $found, # did we find a match? @stat, # file attributes to preserve $fname, # the file we're working on ); return if ( (! $opt_s) && ($File::Find::dir =~ /\b(RCS|CVS|.svn|text-base)$/) ); return unless /$WILDCARD/o; return unless (-f && -T _); $fname = $_; if ($opt_v && ($PrevDir ne $File::Find::dir)) { print("Directory: $File::Find::dir\n"); $PrevDir = $File::Find::dir; } open(THISFILE, "<$fname") or die "can't open $fname, $!\n"; while ($new = $old = <THISFILE>) { $condition = '$new =~' . $SUBST_EXPR; if (eval $condition) { print $found ? "" : "Filename : $File::Find::name\n", " old:", $old, " new:", $new; $found++; } } close(THISFILE) or die "can't close $fname.$SUFFIX, $!\n"; if ($opt_x && $found) { @stat = stat(_); print "changing $fname to $fname$SUFFIX\n" if $opt_v; rename($fname , $fname . $SUFFIX) or die "can't rename $fname, $!\n"; open(THISFILE, "<".$fname.$SUFFIX) or die "can't read '$fname.$SUFFIX', $!\n"; open(NEWFILE, ">$fname") or die "can't write $fname, $!\n"; while (<THISFILE>) { eval $SUBST_EXPR; print NEWFILE $_; } close(THISFILE) or die "can't close $fname.$SUFFIX, $!\n"; close(NEWFILE) or die "can't close $fname, $!\n"; chown(@stat[4,5], $fname) or die "can't chown $fname, $!\n"; chmod($stat[2], $fname) or die "can't chmod $fname, $!\n"; } } sub Init { if (defined($opt_h)) { print Syntax(); exit; } STDOUT->autoflush; $BASEDIR = $opt_d || cwd(); $WILDCARD = $opt_w || '.'; # match any filename # 'sds_sav' is just an arbitrary string associated with this script $SUFFIX = '.' . $$ . '.sds_sav'; ($OLDSTRING = shift(@ARGV)) or die("must supply at least one argument\n", Syntax()); if (@ARGV == 0) { die("Must supply second arg if using -x option\n", Syntax()) if $opt_x; # if not using -x, then just search on the one string provided $NEWSTRING = $OLDSTRING; } elsif (@ARGV != 1) { die("requires two arguments: oldstring newstring\n", Syntax()); } else { $NEWSTRING = shift(@ARGV); } $SUBST_EXPR = 's/'.$OLDSTRING.'/'.$NEWSTRING.'/g'; print STDERR ($opt_x ? "" : "NON-", "EXECUTE MODE\n"); if ($opt_v) { print "Base dir = '$BASEDIR'\n"; print "Wildcard = '$WILDCARD'\n"; print "Oldstring = '$OLDSTRING'\n"; print "Newstring = '$NEWSTRING'\n"; } }
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